Halotherapy: Benefits and What to Expect

Are you interested in exploring the benefits of halotherapy but aren’t sure what to expect? The team at Spa Royale offer a wide range of services to enhance your overall well-being through relaxing massages, self-care nail services, and soothing skincare treatments. Learn more about the ancient history of halotherpay and how it could impact your health and well-being.

What Is Halotherapy?

Halotherapy, also known as salt therapy, relies on dry salt in a controlled environment to address various respiratory and skin conditions. It took its start from the salt mines and caves of Eastern Europe and found its way into modern wellness practices. The salt therapy uses micronized salt particles to improve breathing and overall well-being. The salt particles are transported throughout the respiratory tract and dissolves to attract and draw out impurities. The process helps purify the respiratory system and skin and mimics the benefits of the microclimate of a salt cave process is said to mimic the microclimate of a salt cave and can help purify the respiratory system and skin.

History of Halotherapy

Halotherapy’s roots can be traced back to the salt caves of Poland and Russia in the 1800s. Miners noticed that the longer they were exposure to the salt, the more their respiratory conditions and skin ailments improved. Halotherapy was eventually developed as a self-care and therapeutic practice with the help o technology and Himalayan salt. Today, there are over 300 salt caves in the U.S. and places like our own Spa Royale provide 45 to 90-minute sessions to bring the healing benefits of ancient salt caves to a modern setting.

Benefits of Halotherapy

One of the main reasons our clients seek out halotherapy is for its respiratory benefits. Inhaling the small particles of salt can help clear mucus while reducing inflammation in the airways. Although halotherapy should not replace your doctor’s recommendation for asthma, or any illness, it can be used to help treat symptoms of conditions, including:

  • Asthma: Halotherapy can help can help ease symptoms including wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath after halotherapy sessions to reduce bronchial inflammation and make your breathing easier.
  • Allergies: If you suffer from seasonal or ongoing allergies, halotherapy can alleviate allergy symptoms by reducing inflammation in the nasal passages and sinuses. The small salt particles help remove and clear out allergens from the respiratory tract and ease sneezing, itching, and congestion.
  • Sinusitis: Sinusitis sufferers turn to halotherapy to reduce sinus congestion and pain from the salt’s  anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Eczema: Beyond its respiratory benefits, halotherapy can also improve skin conditions, including eczema. It helps reduce itching and inflammation while promoting healing.
  • Psoriasis: Salt’s powerful anti-inflammatory effects help educe the redness, scaling, and discomfort that often goes hand-in-hand with psoriasis. Regular sessions can lead to long-term improvements in skin appearance and texture.
  • Acne: The antibacterial properties of salt can be effective at treating acne-prone skin. Halotherapy helps reduce the bacteria that cause acne and lead to fewer breakouts and clearer skin.
  • Relaxation: Halotherapy is designed to be incredibly relaxing to help you overcome thes tressors of the day and bring you back into the present. You’ll emerge from your session feeling like new.

What Is a Halotherapy Session Like?

Image of Salt Room - himalalyan salt therapy - Spa RoyaleYour halotherapy session takes place in our dedicated environment made to recreate a natural salt cave at Spa Royale. We use a combination of Himalayan salt and a halo-generator technology to maintain adequate salt levels in the room.

For the ultimate relaxation, schedule a Himalayan Salt Stone Massage for a deeper level of relaxation and an improved immune system. The treatment also helps reduce inflammation and provude a deeper sense of well-being. Our stones are made from 100% Pure Himalayan Pink Salt with 84 naturally occurring minerals and elements. We warm up the stone before placing them on your body for an incredible experience.

We also offer an entire Salt Room Experience to help soothe symptoms of asthma, allergies, skin conditions, and more. We carefully curate your experience with color, salt, and soun for an experience that balances your mind, body, and spirit.

How Long is a Halotherapy Session?

Spa Royale’s Halotherapy sessions usually last between 45 and 60 minutes. You can work with our halotherapist to determine how many sessions ar ea good fit for you and scheduled to meet your needs. How many sessions. you need depends on your goals and current condition.

Book Your Massage in Gainesville FL at Spa Royale

Ready to indulge in the ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation? Book your massage in Gainesville FL with Spa Royale today for the ultimate wellness experience. Our passion lies in tailoring an exceptional experience to your specific needs. From tension relief to pampering, we’ll ensure you leave feeling refreshed and renewed. Schedule your appointment today.