What Toxins Are Released After A Massage?

Massage therapy is an increasingly popular aspect of self-care that manages stress and promotes relaxation. Between 2019 and 2029, there is an expected 22 percent increase in employed massage therapists, and according to the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), nearly 50 percent of people who get massages do so specifically for stress and relaxation benefits. 

In this article, we’ll dive into some of the key benefits of massage therapy, like the stimulation of the body’s natural detoxification processes.  

The Science of Toxins and Detoxification

Toxins refer to any poisonous substances by way of metabolic or catabolic processes that accumulate from just about everything — chemical or microbial — that we encounter on a daily basis. 

Luckily, the human body acts as a natural filtration system to lower cumulative levels of toxicity through the liver. Toxins can be flushed out through proper hydration and fiber consumption, and your body’s natural detoxification process can be activated through massage therapy. 

Detoxification helps your body reach peak performance by boosting the immune system and reducing harmful inflammation from toxin exposure. 

How Massage Promotes Detoxification

Massage therapy can help promote the natural detoxification processes by releasing toxins stored in muscle tissue. These toxins are then delivered via the bloodstream to the filtration and excretory organs for disposal. It is important to stay hydrated after a massage, so ensure you drink lots of water to aid in flushing these toxins through sweat and other means of excretion. 

Increased blood and lymph flow are among the positive effects of massage that allow the toxin removal processes to function more efficiently. 

Lymphatic, Swedish, and deep tissue massage are excellent options for improving lymph flow and circulation. This also lowers blood pressure and curbs the production of stress hormones while increasing endorphin and serotonin levels for optimal stress relief and relaxation. 

Common Toxins Released After a Massage

Lactic acid and uric acid are the most common toxins released during and after a massage. 

Lactic acid buildup is responsible for the soreness we feel after exercise. Accretion of lactic acid can lead to inflammation and muscle irritation. Massage therapy breaks down the buildup of this metabolic acid in the tissue, releasing it for excretion to relieve muscle aches and stimulate muscle tissue recovery.

Uric acid is a crystalline byproduct of purine catabolism. It typically dissolves in the blood and is excreted through urine, but too much uric acid can lead to hyperuricemia, which is associated with inflammatory health conditions like gout. Enhanced circulation from massage therapy aids in the excretion of excess uric acid, reducing inflammation and the potential for developing painful health issues. 

By ridding your body of an overabundance of these acids, you not only reduce harmful inflammation but stress hormones are hindered, improving your overall mood and disposition. 


The myriad of mental and physical benefits associated with massage therapy is clear, and regular massages should be an essential addition to any health and wellness routine. Schedule a detox inducing massage appointment with Spa Royale today to purge harmful toxins and purify your mind and body.