
Himalayan Salt Massage
Salt Room Experience

Salt Room Experience

Himalayan Salt Massage
What is halotherapy?
What is halotherapy?
History of Halotherapy
What Are The Benefits of Halotherapy?
Halotherapy can help heal respiratory conditions like asthma, allergies, and bronchitis. It also provides effective relief from cough and cold. In a 2014 study, researchers used rats to explore how halotherapy may be useful for improving respiratory problems. They found that the dry salt environment where they kept the rats helped improve their respiratory cells. If you want to breathe easier, you may want to try halotherapy.
Salt contains anti-inflammatory properties such as Sodium Chloride that make it great for alleviating such symptoms. By breathing in the Himalayan salt air at our halochamber at Spa Royale, you will be introducing toxin-fighting agents into your body that help you fight inflammation. Whatever the cause of the inflammation, you’ll see noticeable differences after a halotherapy session.
Halotherapy is super relaxing. As the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents in the Himalayan salt go to work, your body begins to relax. The halochamber itself is a relaxing environment that helps you get over any stressor while bringing you to the present. You will come out of your therapy session renewed.