Get more out of every massage
Believe it or not, there are still people out there who feel like a professional massage can be a...
Lemons for Your Health!
Let’s talk about lemons! Nature’s superfood. Lots of us give our mornings a kick-start with...
It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority.
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Spas are no longer a luxury but a necessity
In the past, it was thought that going to the spa was reserved for special occasions and the...
Six Healthy Reasons to Book a Massage Appointment
Here are six healthy reasons to book a massage appointment. ➡️ It eases muscle pain ➡️ It soothes...
What is the Difference Between AHA and BHA Exfoliants?
Have you ever wondered what the difference between AHA’s and BHA’s are? They are both exfoliants...